If someone promises to make your site number one in search, be skeptical. Here’s why.
The Web is Huge
By most estimates, there are more than a billion sites on the internet in 2024. SEMRush reports that Google’s search index is more than 100,000,000 GB. 1
And it is Constantly Changing
According to Siteefy, 252,000 new websites are created every day2. And to stay current, existing websites frequently update their content. AI is accelerating this.
There are a Dizzying Number of Ranking Signals
The criteria that Google uses to rank websites is a closely guarded secret. And they change constantly. Google shares some details about an update in its search criteria on its blog3. After the update.
Google Says So
In its advice to web developers about hiring an SEO professional. Look for the second bullet point under “Helpful Guidelines.” Just below the part where they admit that even Google gets those spam emails about ranking in search.
So How Do You Improve Your Rank on Google?
- Serve your Customers
- Make Friends (and links)
- Research, Experiment, Measure, and Repeat
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